The survey was conducted by using survey questionnaires. Once the questions were developed then the questions were determined whether each of the questions is providing the information needed according to the problem statement.There, were seven questions in a form which consist of four open ended questions, two close ended questions and one Likert-scale question.The survey form was distributed randomly to a group of 50 students around Taylor’s University.The students took approximately less than 10 minutes to complete the questions. Then, the survey form was analyzed, the answer for each question was calculated into percentages and the demand factor was identified.

Survey questionnaires present a set of questions to a subject who with his/her responses will provide data to a researcher. The survey questions were reliable as the survey forms were distributed personally to the students of Taylor’s University and the questions were set specifically to assess the problem statement as stated. Therefore, the questionnaires were very helpful because the demand factor was identified which the courses offered that showed the highest percentage and the response to the price elasticity was also determined. Overall, this methodology was effective as the objective was achieved.